
GoomLaw is a software for lawyers that allows you to manage all the processes of a law firm in a simple and agile way. It optimises current processes and guarantees the coverage of future needs, accompanying the strategic growth of the firm. For example, the creation of new legal areas, lines of business, internationalisation, etc.

software for lawyers

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GoomLaw meets the management needs of law firms by digitizing and connecting three areas:

Accounting and finance

This platform automates the accounting and financial process of the company with bank reconciliation functionalities, cost and purchase management, management of closing processes or tax management of VAT, SII, 347, 349 or IRPF.
In addition, it allows to link documents in Excel, Word, pdf or image format to any reference of the app, it is multicurrency and supports several companies and languages.

Clients and files

The GoomLaw platform can include Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM for customer management. The CRM provides complete customer traceability, sorting all the information to take advantage of the data and optimize customer relationships. As for the management of files and cases, it allows: - Register the file.
- Configure a case intake system.
- Perform a money laundering analysis.
Configure the file closure.

Business status

Business intelligence functionalities can be added to show in real time the state of the business through reports, dashboards and panels.


Do you want an appointment with a consultant?

Contact us with no obligation and we will advise you. Start the digital transformation of your company!

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Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00